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Ex-stripper reveals Hunter Biden sold himself as powerbroker, easily manipulated low-life

Like father, like son.

Hunter Biden sold himself to Chinese and Ukrainian officials as a brilliant conduit to the halls of American power, a closer on the rise who could leverage his vice president father’s clout to get deals done around the globe.

But as his abandoned laptop revealed, behind closed doors the future first son was a crack-addled, selfie-obsessed sex fiend with a roster of hookers bigger than the bureaucracies of some small countries.

And now, an ex-stripper from his past has come forward to confirm the tawdry and pathetic character cloaked in designer suits — and to mock the party boy as a patsy who was led around by the nose.

Far from a bull or a bear, the first son was an easily manipulated “puppy” dog, according to the former exotic dancer who went by the stage name Kennedy.

The Post agreed to withhold her real name because she fears for her and her family’s safety.

She admitted she fleeced the first son for nearly $20,000 during her relationship with him from 2018 to 2019. This was the same period of time Hunter Biden was notoriously polishing his credentials as an international power broker and raking in millions for himself and his family.

“He was like a dog that I dragged and led on,” Kennedy, 35, told a researcher from the nonprofit investigative organization Marco Polo in a stunning text exchange obtained by The Post. “I just led him on and played with him like a walking ATM.