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AOC the bartender may challenge New York communist Democrat Kirsten Gillibrand in 2024 primary

2024 may end up being one of the most gratifying years in politics since at least 2010 (or 2016). The communist bartender Ocasio-Cortez may challenge New York’s sitting communist Kirsten Gillibrand for the Democrat nomination for Senate next year.

The people in Ocasio-Cortez’s district are quickly tiring of her bullshit and warmongering. If she does run, it will be hilarious to watch.

Far-left Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has not ruled out a Democratic primary campaign against Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand next year — telling an interviewer she was looking at a number of career options, including “higher office.”

“Don’t ask me that question. … Print that,” the Bronx and Queens lawmaker said jokingly when asked by Politico about a potential Senate run during an interview that was published late Sunday.

The 33-year-old “Squad” member did say she was weighing her future plans — including whether to remain in office at all.

“There’s a world where I’m here for a long time in this seat, in this position,” she told the outlet. “There’s a world where I’m not an elected official anymore. There’s a world where … I may be in higher office.”

Gillibrand, 56, was appointed by then-Gov. David Paterson to replace Hillary Clinton in 2009. She then won a special election in 2010 and full terms in 2012 and 2018 — followed by an ill-fated run for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination.