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Trans Resistance Network after killing of six Christians “Hate has consequences.”

Tomorrow is the “trans day of rage” in front of the Supreme Court building in Washington D.C. One of the groups involved in organizing the hate protest is the “Trans Resistance Network”. They released a statement after the targeted, anti-Christian hate crime in Nashville this week. Their statement? Not sorry for the families of the six innocent people killed, but rather “hate has consequences”. Basically the “trans resistance network” is saying those killed and the families of those killed got what they deserved.

I personally have no problem if people want to pretend to be someone they aren’t. That’s how people are. But I do have a big problem when it’s forced down the throats of children, or even others who get called “transphobes” if they don’t comply.

I also have a big problem with these people telling Christians they got what they deserved like this statement.