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Report: Hunter Biden blacked out right near classified and top secret documents in Delaware

So not only did Hunter Biden live at the Rehoboth Beach, Delaware house that was a storage area for classified and top secret documents from the Obama era, he even took the so called “secured” Corvette out for joyrides with underaged passengers. He even reportedly blacked out right by those same documents from drugs and alcohol binges.\

Aren’t you so glad that the FBI thugs raided Mar-A-Lago for those “classified” napkins, dinner menus and empty folders though?

Hunter Biden suffered blackouts from drinking and drug use while he was working with a connected Chinese businessman and living at the house where classified documents were discovered, according to an investigative journalist.

Classified documents were found at President Joe Biden’s home in Wilmington, Delaware, where his son stayed during the worst of his alcoholism and drug addiction, author Michael Shellenberger said.

“People say Biden’s mishandling of classified documents wasn’t as bad as [President Donald] Trump’s, but we now know Hunter Biden was just a feet away from them — and frequently intoxicated — during a time he was taking money from men tied to Chinese military intelligence,” Shellenberger tweeted Wednesday.

While living at the house in 2017-18, Hunter was receiving millions of dollars from a top Chinese businessman connected to the Chinese Communist Party, investigative journalist Peter Schweizer told Shellenberger.

“There’s no evidence that Hunter Biden accessed the documents, but — God forbid — the opportunity existed for him to do so,” said Schweizer, who has probed the Bidens’ Chinese connections.