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Commie Democrats remain silent after Adam Schiff calls for intelligence assessment of Biden’s mishandled classified and top secret documents

You know Joe Biden is toast for 2024 when someone as slimy as Adam Schiff calls for an intelligence assessment of how China Joe Biden mishandled classified and top secret documents (found in four different locations so far). Commie Democrats have said nothing since Schiff called for an assessment, as there is no way for these communist slugs to spin it for Biden anymore. And anytime the media or Democrats lie about Biden turning over the documents “right away”, remind them that Biden had these documents for at least SIX years.

Democratic leadership in the House and Senate left colleague Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., hanging Monday as they remained silent on whether they supported his call for an intelligence assessment concerning the classified documents that were mishandled by President Joe Biden.

“I don’t think we can exclude the possibility without knowing more of the facts,” Schiff told ABC’s “This Week” on Sunday. “We have asked for an assessment in the intelligence community of the Mar-a-Lago documents. I think we ought to get that same assessment of the documents found in the [Penn Biden Center] as well as the home of President Biden.”

“I’d like to know what these documents were. I’d like to know what the [special counsel’s] assessment is, whether there was any risk of exposure and what the harm would be and whether any mitigation needs to be done,” Schiff added. “I think that would be appropriate and consistent with what we requested in the case of Mar-a-Lago.”