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Nostradamus predictions for 2023: World War III, meteor hitting Buckingham Palace, an antichrist and more!

Think the 2020s have sucked so far? Get ready for even more suckage if the “prophet of doom” Nostradamus turns out to be right about 2023.

The biggest prediction from Nostradamus is World War III, which we have been moving closer to with each passing day as we fund the money laundering in Ukraine. World War III, if it happens wouldn’t just be between the US and Russia. China and Iran will also pair up with Russia to destroy us and Europe. Of course with MAD (Mutually assured destruction), the chances are slim. Though, Putin is crazy enough to do it, especially if he is dying as some reports that claim it are true.

Nostradamus writes that 2K23 will find the world embroiled in, “Seven months great war, people dead through evil.” This could apply, albeit a bit late to the firefight, to the devastating conflict in Ukraine which thus far has been marked by war crimes and a heavy civilian death toll. In terms of the “evil” Nostradamus blames, hate-mongering, death-dealing, Libra Vladimir Putin comes pretty close to personifying it.