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Only 20 people show up to Brittney Griner “homecoming” in Waco

Earlier this month, dumb Joe Biden traded Russia’ “Merchant of Death” arms dealer (Viktor Bout) for ungrateful, anti-anthem basketball player Brittney Griner. It apparently took two weeks to set up a “homecoming” in her college town of Waco, Texas. Instead of getting both Griner and Marine Paul Whelan, Joe Biden got played like a fiddle by Vladimir Putin and only got the anthem-hating Griner as Whelan still rots in Russia.

This week they set up a “homecoming” for all of Griner’s “Fans” to come see her after returning from Russia. A grand total of 20 people showed up to the service of celebration on Monday held at University Baptist Church located.

A total of 20 people showed up to the service of celebration on Monday held at University Baptist Church located less than 2 miles from Baylor’s campus, according to ESPN. A few others were supposed to show, but they were “sick.”

The recently published piece described the sparse scene at the church while insinuating that the city of Waco and Baylor weren’t, and still aren’t, all that accepting of Griner.

Sharyl West Loeung, a speaker and “social entrepreneur” according to her Instagram, led and organized the homecoming celebration and announced to the church that it would grieve “over the way the world is.”

It turns out few people wanted to come to church and “grieve” a divisive, politically-driven situation. Some people want to go to church and simply worship, believe it or not.