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18 Republicans vote for the pathetic $1.7 trillion omnibus monstrosity!

Yesterday, 21 Republicans in the Senate voted for cloture on the $1.7 monstrosity omnibus bill. It includes $45 billion (more) for Ukraine, naming a trail after Michelle Obama, gender studies in Pakistan and other “goodies”. Today, 18 Republicans voted with communist Democrats to pass the bill, and as usual, it’s the 18 you’d expect.

Roy Blunt
John Boozman
Shelley Capito
Susan Collins
John Cornyn
Tom Cotton
Lindsey Graham
Jim Inhofe
Mitch McConnell
Jerry Moran
Lisa Murkowski
Rob Portman
Mitt Romney
Mike Rounds
Richard Shelby
John Thune
Roger Wicker
Todd Young

The only three missing, who voted yesterday to enable this crap were Cindy Hyde-Smith, Little Marco Rubio and old codger Chuck Grassley. They should all be held responsible for voting for this shit.