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Why was the woman holding the folded American flag forced to wear a mask?

So during last night’s Zelensky’s propaganda speech to Congress, have gave Kamala and Pelosi a Ukraine flag. Aside from the fact of decorum, is this all $100 billion in aid buys thee days? I mean I know inflation is bad and all but sheesh. Then of course, Kamala and Pelosi gave Zelensky folded up American flag. The woman, or the “help” holding the flag during the Ukraine flag crap was forced to wear a mask. Why? Zelensky wasn’t wearing a mask. Kamala Harris or Nancy Pelosi weren’t wearing a mask? In fact, I didn’t see anyone seated even wearing a mask.

Forcing “the help” the wear a mask seems kinda racist.

Then of course Zelensky went on the instruct the American people to give Ukraine more money, and that the $100 billion or whatever so far “is not charity”. Smug POS.