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Joe Biden’s bitter and incoherent rant tonight was another typical Democrat grotesque political spectacle

So Joey Biden decided to give a repeat of his September 1st speech, only this time he brought it to a brand new level of degusting. At the start of Biden’s incoherent rant tonight, he started blaming Republicans for the attack on Paul Pelosi by David Depape. You know David Depape right? The Canadian illegal immigrant, living in a school bus (in Berkeley) with Black Lives Matter propaganda right?

The only thing missing this time was the blood red background and Independence Hall. Instead, it covered up the homeless enclave at Union Station where even Starbucks pulled out of.

I could get angry and all pissy about this pathetic attempt to motivate the Democrat base to come out and vote next week but I wouldn’t. Biden’s pathetic rant tonight did more to assure a GOP majority in the Senate, and a larger majority in the House than if he hadn’t given it. This rant was a gift to Republicans. Thanks Joey!