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San Francisco liberals arming up to deal with crime and violence

They hate guns in Pelosiville, the armpit of California. So instead, San Francisco liberals are arming up with tasers and baseball bat as crime and violence spiral out of control in yet another Democrat run city. Not everyone in San Francisco can afford private security like the Pelosi Crime Family, so they are resorting to tasers and bats.

In June, the SOMA RISE Center, a drug sobering facility, opened in northeast San Francisco and attracted dangerous drug-addicted vagabonds to the area, causing residents of the once peaceful neighborhood to walk with weapons such as baseball bats and tasers for self defense.

According to local news, a 31-year-resident of the neighborhood named Ghis said, “More troublemakers settling in, feeling comfortable doing their drugs, pissing and sh*tting in the street blocking the sidewalks,” all because of RISE.

“They’re letting their clients come out here and get high, go inside and get sober and then get high again,” said Mark Sackett, a businessman who said the drug-addicted itinerants have cost him $100,000 in lost business.

It’s so bad, according to ABC 7, “Some even resorted to arming themselves against the belligerent or violent with baseball bats and tasers.”