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NHL goes woke – promises “diversity”, reduce share of “white” players

The National Hockey League was teetered on the edge of wokeness, but is now full blown off the charts. Another sports league that will never see a dollar from me is promising diverity, and the reduce the share of “white” hockey players.

The NHL released a “diversity & inclusion” report on Monday declaring its commitment to implement hiring practices related to “racial demographics,” “gender identity,” and “sexual orientation.”

“We are working to better understand and accelerate our engagement across all layers of diversity – including nationality, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, and religion – and their nuances and intersections,” NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman wrote in the report’s introduction.

Bettman framed “the murder of George Floyd” as an impetus for “re-ignited movements for social justice” which in turn led the NHL to “new ways of thinking and new internal competencies.”

When I used to watch sports, I never about the color of a player’s skin. I just cared how they played and my team winning. Those days seem so long ago. Goodbye and good riddance NHL.