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Now Joe Biden has created a diaper shortage (Yahoo blames pro-life people)

It seems everything is in short supply with idiot child groper Joe Biden the “minor attracted person”. First it’s baby formula, now it’s a diaper shortage. Biden is probably using too many diapers to keep his clothes clean when he routinely shits himself. But according to Yahoo, it’s all the fault of pro-life people.

Yahoo Finance published an article last weekend connecting the current diaper shortage brought on by global supply chain issues to the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn federal protections for abortion.

“America is facing a diaper crisis, and the anti-abortion movement is making it worse,” reads the article’s headline.

The article admits that the COVID pandemic played “a heavy role” in the current diaper shortage.

However, the report adds that “anti-abortion centers (AACs)” have been underreporting the baby supplies they are providing to mothers in need, such as packs of diapers.

Instead, these groups are reportedly “using this money for overhead costs to pay for staff salaries, to engage with SEO marketing professionals, to expand their outreach to promote themselves, and all sorts of things that are not providing services to people in need,” the article insists.

The author cited pro-abortion nonprofit Equity Forward, which reportedly found that Heartbeat International, “an AAC giant,” only provided strollers for 1% of its clients, a car seat for 1.6% and less than a single pack of diapers per each individual who came to them seeking help in 2019.