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Pro-transgender medical organization teaching health professional to to pressure parents to accept child’s transition

We now know the real reason why these quacks are pushing so hard to transition children with grooming. It’s a big money maker for the groomers, hormone drug makers and surgeons. It’s not about the children, it’s about how much money these greedy, sick individuals and companies really are. Now a pro trans “health” organization is advising medical professionals how to “pressure” parents into accepting their child’s transition.

A pro-transgender medical organization provided a guide to health professionals teaching them how to pressure parents to accept their child’s transgender identity.

Titled “Engaging the Families of Transgender and Gender Diverse Children,” the guide from the Fenway Institute gave a number of strategies that doctors can use to pressure parents into accepting their child’s transgender identity.

One part of the guide listed “Potential signs that a family needs additional help and resources to come to accept and support their child’s gender diversity.” The guide includes numerous behaviors on the list, including “Referring to the child’s gender diverse identity as “a phase,” “Inconsistent name/pronoun use,” and “Using incorrect gendered words like ‘son’ or ‘daughter.”

Both “Rigid understanding of gender roles and gender expression” and “Fixation on the young person’s gender presentation previously being aligned with their sex assigned at birth” were also listed as signs that a family may need “additional help and resources to come to accept and support their child’s gender diversity.”

The guide poses the question “What if families doubt that their child is gender diverse?” before going on to instruct doctors to “Validate their concern and then explain that gender identity is internal to a person; therefore, it is not possible for others to determine someone else’s gender identity. Only the individual can do that.”