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Even NeverTrump RINO Michael McCaul bashes Biden and his speech

Michael McCaul, like Dan Crenshaw is a Texas NeverTrump RINO who never had a good thing to say about the former president. Yet today on ABC’s Sunday show with Clinton lackey George Stephanopoulos (with fill in hack Martha Raddatz), McCaul called out Biden for his hate filled speech on Thursday calling it a slap in the face. That’s rather unusual for someone like neocon McCaul. He is in a safe Republican district, so it’s not like he had to pander to his voters with this calling out of Nazi Biden.

Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX) said President Joe Biden’s “Soul of the Nation” speech on Thursday was a “slap in the face” to Republicans across the country.”

Appearing on ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos” Sunday, McCaul slammed Biden for demonizing tens of millions of Americans who voted for former President Donald Trump in the 2020 election.

“If this was a speech to unify the American people it had just the opposite effect,” McCaul said. “It basically condemned all Republicans who supported Donald Trump in the last election, that’s over 70 million people, and saying that Republicans are a ‘threat to democracy’ is really a slap in the face.”

McCaul noted that the speech was not carried live by any of the major broadcast networks because it was so overtly political.

“This was not a presidential address,” he said. “It was a campaign speech before the midterm elections and that’s how I see it.”

I don’t know what Biden’s handlers were thinking having a dumbass like Biden give such a hate speech. The base was fired up enough over abortion. This speech turned off independent who will ultimately decide the House and Senate this coming November. Any gains the communist Democrats made with the abortion ruling was totally wiped out with this hate filled speech. It also exposed Biden and the Democrats for who they truly are. When they say “unite” the country, they mean obey, otherwise you are an extremist.