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Arizona Speaker of the House RINO Rusty Bowers crushed in GOP primary (64% to 36%)

Crusty Rusty Bowers is toast. He went on a media tour to suck up to them and NeverTrump RINOs in hopes of winning an Arizona state legislature street. This RINO obstructed investigation into Arizona voter fraud in every way possible. He also was a clown witness for the January 6 clown committee. He thought by sucking up to the liberal media, he could win a state seat back, I mean, he was the Speaker of the House in Arizona.

But too bad for crusty Rusty Bowers, he got clobbered last night in his primary and will not be returning to the Arizona House of Representatives. Too bad so sad, bye bye.

David Farnsworth crushed Bowers 64% to 36%… BAHAHAHAHAHAHAH