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Liz Cheney’s BFF Kevin Costner campaigned for Pete Buttigieg in 2020

So according to Liz Cheney, who has two weeks until she’s voted out of office, you aren’t a real man unless you support her. That’s what she said in posting a picture of washed up Hollywood geezer Kevin Costner with an “I’m for Liz Cheney” shirt on. Problem for Liz is that Costner is in Montana, filming another season of Yellowstone. All Liz apparently doesn’t remember that Hollywood liberal Costner campaigned for none other than Mayor Pete Buttigieg, the failed Transportation Secretary in 2020.

So apparently Liz Cheney is the new Buttigieg.

Actor Kevin Costner, the star of “Field of Dreams” and “Dances With Wolves,” will endorse South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg this weekend, the campaign announced Friday.

“The momentum for Pete on the ground in Iowa is continuing to grow,” Ben Halle, Buttigieg’s Iowa communications director, told CNN in a statement. “On Pete’s last trip to Iowa in December, over 5,000 people attended his town halls. We’re excited to have Kevin Costner in Indianola this weekend to help us expand on the broad-based coalition we’re building in Iowa to win the caucuses on February 3rd.”

The two-time Academy Award winner will introduce Buttigieg in Iowa, when the presidential candidate kicks off his 20th trip to the early state this year. Earlier this year, Costner endorsed Iowa congressional candidate J.D. Scholten, a former semi-pro baseball player mounting a second bid to unseat GOP Rep. Steve King.

This is not Costner’s first foray into presidential politics. In 2008, the actor stumped for Barack Obama in Colorado. And earlier this year, he told Variety a Michelle Obama presidential bid would “have a lot of interest from me.”