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Desperate Liz Cheney shows Hollywood liberal Kevin Costner wearing “I’m for Liz Cheney” shirt

Well gee, this should help Liz Cheney overcome her 25-30 point deficient with Harriet Hageman. Old wartface Liz Cheney is trotting out Hollywood washed up liberal actor Kevin Costner to wear an “I’m for Liz Cheney” t-shirt. I guess this is supposed to be Liz Cheney’s August surprise.

So wait. Is Lizard Cheney falsely labeling Costner a “real man”? What if that isn’t his prefered pronouns! What an xenophobe warmonger Cheney is. Just like her daddy Little Dick.

Enjoy your next two weeks in office Liz… You are going to get clobbered in a historic way come August 16.