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Three “Republican” Trump impeachers have primary elections on Tuesday

Of course, everyone is waiting until August 14th for the Liz Cheney primary to see how badly she gets her ass kicked. But this coming Tuesday, three so called “Republican” Trump impeachers are up for primary elections on August 2nd. Two of them are in Washington state and one in Michigan. They are:

Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler (WA): She rode the tea party wave to office in 2010, but voted to impeach Trump in January 2021. Herrera-Beutler is your typical snake RINO more than not votes for communist Democrat policies. Her challenger, is Trump endorsed Joe Kent.

The few polls that have been conducted on this primary race have had Kent out to a lead, but there have been no polls lately.

This is Washington’s 3rd congressional district. After redrawing the congressional map, this district has become slightly more Republican than it was before the 2022 election. If Herrera-Beutler gets beat in the primary on Tuesday, Joe Kent is in pretty good shape to win this in November.

Rep. Dan Newhouse Washington Congressional District #4 is also up for a primary election on Tuesday. This is a strong Republican district rated at R+25, which is pretty amazing in a blue state like Washington. Newhouse’s challenger is former police chief Loren Culp.

Like with the WA03 race, there are hardly any polls with this race. The last poll, conducted in April found Culp with a sizeable lead over Newhouse. Again, pay close attention to this rae on Tuesday.

And lastly there is beard Marxist RINO Peter Meijer of Michigan’s third congressional district. This district was gerrymandered by Gretchen Whitmer and the communists in Michigan. It went from a strong lean Republicans district to a slight lean Democrat district after being re-drawn.

Again, there is a lack of polling in this race. Meijer is the snake heiress the the Meijer chain of supermarkets around Michigan. The guy is loaded with cash but really pissed off a lot of people with his impeachment vote. Since this district leans more Democrat after Whitmer’s gerrymandering, Meijer has a chance to win his primary.

August is going to be a fun primary month. Remember also that on Tuesday is Arizona’s primary. Can’t wait to see the Pence endorsed snakes lose too!