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Chicago Democrat Chuy Garcia calls user “border line retarded” and “f-cking dipshit” before deleting tweet – blames staffer

Democrats are such profane communist scum. First it was California communist flipping off Republicans during a charity softball game, now it’s Chicago Democrat Chuy Garcia calling a constituent border line retarded and a “f_cing dipshit”. When will you people learn that this is exactly what communist Democrats think of all the common people. These two incidents didn’t happen by accident.

Chuy Garcia of Chicago deleted his tweet after backlash and is now trying to blame a staffer for the tweet. What a load of donkey shit.

This is what Democrats do. They blame others for their actions. Does anyone else think a “staffer” really tweeted this and it wasn’t “Chuy”? Sorry, I don’t buy it. Garcia says the “staffer” will be held accountable. So you know what that means… It will just drop off the radar of people’s attention and nothing will happen.