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Biden sixth-quarter average lowest for an elected president in history!

You did it Joe! You have set yet another record! Joe Biden is now the lowest rated president in the sixth quarter in the history of Gallup polling! That is an amazing accomplishment, considering especially how the media smeared Trump 24/7.

Joe Biden is a failure of historic proportions.

Biden’s sixth quarter in office, spanning April 20 through July 19, recently ended. During this time, an average of 40% of Americans approved of the job he was doing as president. No president elected to his first term has had a lower sixth-quarter average than Biden, although Jimmy Carter’s and Donald Trump’s ratings were only slightly better, at 42%. Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan also averaged below majority approval.

Like nearly every president since Dwight Eisenhower, Biden saw his job approval rating decline between his fifth (41%) and sixth quarters. Trump is one of the exceptions, as his sixth-quarter average of 42% was better than the 39% during his fifth quarter. As a result of these changes, the sixth quarter marks the first time Biden’s quarterly average has been lower than Trump’s was in the same quarter.

History suggests it would be unlikely for Biden’s approval rating to improve during his seventh quarter. To date, only one elected president — George H.W. Bush — has seen meaningful improvement in his seventh quarter. The increase reflected a rally in support for Bush after he condemned Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait, which eventually led to the U.S. and allies fighting the Gulf War against Iraq in early 1991.