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Biased Fox News televised Pence Young America’s foundation speech, ignore Trump’s America First Policy Institute speech

Fox News’ love for wimps like Mike Pence (Bush Republicans) and hatred for all things Donald Trump couldn’t be anymore evident then when Faux decided to broadcast boring, milquetoast Mike Pence’s speech to the Young America’s Foundation, while ignore Trump’s in DC at the America First Police Institute on the same day. Who do you honestly think would bring better it should as hell isn’t milquetoast Mike Pence.

It’s official. Weasel Bret Baier is now the official Chris Wallace replacement.

Faux News is a shadow of it’s former self and is now nothing more than controlled opposition. There’s a reason why Faux News and the weasel Bret Baier called the Arizona race in 2020 so early, before all people had even voted. Baier is a part of the plan.