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If Hunter wasn’t a Biden, not registering as a foreign agent would mean prison

I just got to chuckle when I see conservative sites and some media report that the Hunter Biden investigation is reaching a critical stage and how much trouble Hunter Biden will be in. Give me a break. Nothing will happen to Hunter Biden because simply, he’s a Biden (and a Democrat), and they never pay the penalties for breaking the law. The corrupt FBI has had his laptop since at least 2019, yet nothing has happened. If Biden was a run of the mill conservative and did what he did in foreign countries without registering first as a foreign agent, he’s get jail time. But this is Hunter Biden. Nothing will happen to him. Breitbart should know better.

Hunter Biden reportedly did not register as a foreign agent while making business deals overseas, according to the New York Post.

Experts said recently it was a possible crime that could result in him being sent to prison.

The report noted Biden was registered as a lobbyist for domestic interests but not under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).

In addition, Biden could reportedly face charges regarding tax violations and lying about illegally buying a firearm.

Meanwhile, George Washington University Law Professor Jonathan Turley addressed the FARA issue, saying, “recent disclosures of additional foreign contacts has only strengthened what was already a strong case.”

“Indeed, in the last few weeks, the compelling basis for a FARA charge has becomes unassailable and undeniable,” Turley said.

Hunter reportedly met with the Crown Prince of Yugoslavia and his wife in 2015, and the couple apparently asked him to approach his father with a request for money to help fix up their palace located in Belgrade.

“If Hunter relayed the request for US government assistance then that would be a FARA registrable event,” Craig Engle, a FARA expert who leads the political law practice at Arent Fox Schiff, stated.