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Fox News Geraldo Rivera declares Liz Cheney once-in-a-generation stand up hero

The Fox News slobbering all over neocon Liz Cheney just doesn’t stop. This weekend, they are rolling out the red carpet for a softball interview with Cheney on Sunday with little Bush weasel Bret Baier. Tonight though, Gerlado Rivera couldn’t keep it in his pants at his fawned all over Cheney, calling her a “once-in-a-generation stand up hero”. I’m really going to enjoy the night Cheney gets clobbered in her primary come next month. Until then, we must suffer with Fox News tongue bathers like Geraldo and Baier.

So when Tucker Carlson brags about Fox News not “televising” the sham J6 hearings, we’ll call him out on his bullshit. Also, show him this Geraldo tweet.