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Figures: DC US Attorney will NOT prosecute Stephen Colbert staffers for trespassing at a U.S. House

And once again, the clown “Justice System” is exposed by an unfunny clown who had several staffers trespass and illegal enter the Capitol (with the help of Adam Schiff and Jake Auchincloss). Unlike the January 6th protesters who have been in solitary confinement for over a year and a half now, the clown Colbert staffers will not face any punishment for their ‘insurrection”. Can’t say I’m all that surprised though.

The U.S. Attorney’s office for Washington, D.C., announced that it would not be seeking to prosecute several staffers of “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” for trespassing at a U.S. House building.

Prosecutors said the case against the staffers was not strong enough, given that nobody had technically told the staffers to leave after they visited politicians.

“After a comprehensive review of all of the evidence and the relevant legal authority, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia has determined that it cannot move forward with misdemeanor charges of unlawful entry against the nine individuals who were arrested on June 16, 2022 at the Longworth Office Building,” read a statement released to the media.

“The individuals, who entered the building on two separate occasions, were invited by Congressional staffers to enter the building in each instance and were never asked to leave by the staffers who invited them,” the statement continued.