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Manuel Oliver (father of child who died in Parkland shooting) removed from Biden gun control bill signing

First, Joe Biden insulted the father of Joaquin Oliver, a student at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School who was killed during the 2018 mass shooting. Then Biden had Manuel Oliver removed from the White House, after Oliver said something (that no one seems to have heard). This is total dictatorship like behavior and shows yet again that Joe Biden needs to be removed from office.

Biden paused during his remarks when Oliver’s interruption began and attempted to get him to relent before the man was removed.

“Sit down you’ll hear what I have to say,” Biden said.

“We have one. Let me finish my comment. Let me talk,” Biden added, before the event continued after a brief, but rare, interruption on White House grounds.

Hecklers or protestors during a presidential speech are rare due to strict security measures at the White House. A protestor in 2006 interrupted an event with former President George W. Bush and then-Chinese President Hu Jintao, earning her criminal charges.