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Liz Cheney has a 10% chance of winning re-election says CNN

After watching Trump impeacher Tom Rice get “Fryed” in the South Carolina primary this week, people look to August to see what happens to old wart face Liz Cheney. She is despised in Wyoming, and even the communist hacks at CNN are starting to realize she will be primaried in August.

No matter how much the hacks at CNN pander to Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, the fact of the matter is, even they know Cheney is toast. CNN probably overstates Cheney’s chances in her August primary, giving her about a 10% chance of winning. Frankly, that’s probably too high.

Republican Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney faces devastating ratings ahead of her primary election, CNN senior data reporter Harry Enten told host Anderson Cooper Wednesday night.

“On Cheney, if you go over to Wyoming, look at her disapproval rating and essentially what you see more than doubled…after voting to impeach Donald Trump,” Harry Enten said. “She is very much unpopular in the state and if you look at the betting odds, whether or not she will win re-election, only about a 10% chance she will win re-election.”

Cheney’s disapproval rating skyrocketed from 26% to 72% after her vote to impeach Trump, a slide by CNN displayed. A different poll by Fabrizio, Lee, and Associates for Wyoming Values PAC showed that 73% of Republican primary voters disapproved of Cheney.