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Even left wing Politico admits economy deteriorating under Biden

They can’t hide Biden’s failures on the economy anymore. Left wing propaganda rag Politico is finally admitting that the Biden economy is deteriorating as Biden struggles to find a message. Of course Biden struggles to a complete sentence, but they wouldn’t touch that. Lazy old codger Biden doesn’t care though. He’s off for yet another vacation.

Prices keep rising. And the clock keeps ticking.

So the White House has started to change up its messaging on inflation, even though President Joe Biden has limited tools at his disposal to battle the crisis. The president stepped up efforts to draw contrasts with Republicans, unleashing a series of new attack lines Tuesday in a speech delivered amid a flurry of sobering headlines on rising costs and interest rates.

“America still has a choice to make. A choice between a government by the few, for the few,” Biden said at an AFL-CIO union convention in Philadelphia. “Or a government for all of us – a democracy for all of us, an economy where all of us have a fair shot.”

But with the midterms rapidly approaching, voters’ patience appears likely to run out – and the president and party in power stand poised to pay the political price.

“The political environment is brutal for Democrats. There are few more economic issues more politically painful than high food and high gas prices and we are heading into high stakes midterms,” said Dan Pfeiffer, former senior advisor to President Barack Obama.