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Joe Biden White House has hosted several “defund the police” activists

Idiot Joe Biden tries to full the dullards about how he isn’t anti-police. The fact of the matter is, Biden said during the 2020 campaign that he supported defunding the police and since being installed has been basically a carbon copy of the communist “Squad” on everything from printing money to anti-cop rhetoric. He hates the military too. According to White House visitor logs, the Biden White House has hosted several members of the “defund the police” movement. If Biden was against defunding the police then why is his White House hosting these Marxists?

While the nation has been reeling from rising crime during the Biden administration, “defund the police” advocates have been visiting the White House or meeting with White House aides, White House visitor logs reveal.

Some of the activists have included Rashad Robinson, the president of Color of Change; Carmen Rojas, the President and CEO of the Marguerite Casey Foundation; Latosha Brown, the co-founder of Black Voters Matter; and Tylik McMillan, who serves as the “National Director of Youth [and] College” at Al Sharpton’s National Action Network, Fox News reported.

“So many people are twisting themselves into word pretzels,” Rojas tweeted last year. “They say we need justice in one breathe & not all police are bad in the next. We must be unwavering in our commitment to freedom. The best way to realize it is to defund the police and support abolition. Period.”