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Anti-Semitic communist Democrat Tlaib introduced a resolution calling Israel’s creation a ‘ Palestinian catastrophe’

So over the weekend, we had a racist, anti-Semitic POS shoot and kill ten people in Buffalo. Of course Republicans were blamed. Now, anti-Semitic Democrat Rashida Tlaib has introduced the “Recognizing the Nakba and Palestinian refugees’ rights,” which rough translates to the Israeli creation catastrophe. The Democrats are the party of hate and anti-Semitism. Rashida Tlaib is one of the leading anti-Semites in the House. This latest resolution just continues the Democrat legacy of anti-Semitism.

Rashida Tlaib, a Democratic congresswoman from Michigan and member of the Squad, introduced a resolution Monday calling for U.S. recognition of the “Nakba,” a term translating to “catastrophe” commonly used by Palestinian activists to refer to the establishment of the state of Israel.

The resolution, titled “Recognizing the Nakba and Palestinian refugees’ rights,” was submitted a week and a half after Israeli Independence Day, which coincides with the Palestinian Nakba Day, Fox News reported. Tlaib’s resolution calls for the U.S. to “commemorate the Nakba through official recognition and remembrance,” while also claiming that the Nakba “refers not only to a historical event but to an ongoing process of Israel’s expropriation of Palestinian land and its dispossession of the Palestinian people that continues to this day.”

Referring to the year of Israel’s creation, U.N. recognition of Israel’s creation, and ongoing U.S. support of Israel on Twitter, Tlaib said, “The Palestinian people since the 48 Nakba have been living under oppression and violent racism. Silence + blank checks enables more death and violence.”