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Feminine products (like tampons) going into boys bathrooms are Oregon schools thanks to ‘Menstrual Dignity Act’

The left wing loons in Oregon passed ‘Menstrual Dignity Act’, which will now all feminine products, like tampons to be put in bathrooms of all genders, including boys for schools elementary though high school. This is how sick the communist left really is.

Video of vending machines dispensing menstrual products in boys bathrooms at Oregon school have begun to surface after Governor Kate Brown signed the controversial Menstrual Dignity Act into law.

The new law will require elementary, middle and high schools to put menstrual products and instructions into all bathrooms on campus, regardless of gender.

A TikTok video shot this month apparently shows a functioning tampon dispenser inside of a boys bathroom, showing that the process of installing the machines has already begun.

According to the law: ‘All education providers shall install in every bathroom at least one dispenser that does not require coins or money’ and ‘is clearly marked as free in at least two languages.’

When asked about the act in an April 2022 interview with Oregon Public Broadcasting, Oregon Department of Education director Colt Gill said that the act was designed to help school districts ‘to understand how they can be supportive of all students’ and ‘what pronouns that they choose to use at school.’

Gill said that if a district is not in compliance with the new law, students are invited to contact the Oregon Department of Education. He added: ‘We are happy to come in and help the school district and the community understand the laws that are in place.’