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Trump endorsed JD Vance wins Ohio GOP Senate Nomination

Looks like Donald Trump saved another one. JD Vance, the one time neverTrumper and Ohio Senate nominee has won the Ohio primary, beating both Josh Mandell and Matt Dolan (and a handfull of others). The race was expected to be close, and for awhile tonight it was. But JD Vance pulled away and has a substantial lead on both Mandell and Dolan.. Vance will face communist Tim Ryan for the Senate seat in November.

Another thing to pay close attention to is the total amount of votes for the Republican candidates vs the Democrats. As of this post, Republicans have had double the voter turnout than Democrats did. Remember, Ohio is supposed to be a purple state too.

Democrats are going to get crushed in November. No amount of fake outrage over the illegal leak of the SCOTUS Roe Vs. Wade can change that.