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David Bonola illegal immigrant accused killer of Orsolya Gaal

David Bonola, an illegal immigrant from Mexico is the accused killer of Brooklyn mother Orsolya Gaal. Bonilla came to this country illegally 21 years ago under the first major wave of illegals this century as George W. Bush let them in. David Bonola’s alleged killing of Orsolya Gaal is especially gruesome. Bonola, “allegedly” butchered Gaal in her Forest Hills home. NYPD detectives fished out a pair of bloody brown boots from a sanitation truck after it pulled away from the suspect’s home.

As usual, outside of the limited Fox News coverage, this brutal murder by illegal immigrant David Bonola is being ignored by most media, and the ones who did give token coverage to the story skipped the part about him being an illegal immigrant. Look at David Bonola’s photo. He looks like your prototypical left wing extremist and anti-Semite. Orsolya Gaal was Jewish and allegedly knew David Bonola as a handyman or something. Bonola allegedly stabbed Gaal nearly 60 times. But since there’s no gun involved, the media yawns.

With over two million illegal immigrants flooding into this country thanks to Biden’s open borders in the last year, how many more people like David Bonola, no matter what their country of origin are among the group? The blood is on George W. Bush’s hands this time.