Hey Ellie Smith. You want some cheese with your whine? One of the failed CNN Plus producers, Ellie Smith is whining like a little crybaby leftist bitch on Twitter about people who are mocking CNN Plus not even lasting a month before it got canceled. Basically, CNN Plus didn’t even last as long as Jeffrey Toobin on a Zoom call, it was that bad. Here’s Ellie Smith whining like a little bitch:
PSA if you’re going to tweet something snarky about CNN+, hundreds of journalists and technicians who did nothing but work their tails off just had the rug pulled out from under them. So be kind.
— Ellie Smith (@elliekaysmith_) April 21, 2022
Surely, she can’t be serious. All the eggheads, sell outs to China, and communists who lost their jobs as “journalist” and technicians, we are supposed to feel sorry for? REALLY Ellie?
You just don’t get it do you Ellie? No one likes you. No one likes your so called brand of “journalists”. You are nothing more than arms of the Democrat party and you failed, in epic fashion. No one feels sorry for you, except maybe yourself. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Maybe Disney is hiring in California.