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Woke Disney labels Tinker Bell and Captain Hook “problematic”

Apparently, Disney hasn’t gotten the memo. As the state of Florida will strip Disney of it’s special status and tax breaks, Disney is too busy in their woke agenda. Now, they are labeling both Tinker Bell and Captain Hook as “problematic”. Also, according to Woke Disney, Tinker Bell is now “body-conscious” and jealous of Peter Pan’s attention or something. Come on man!

Disney recently looked through its library of content in search of characters who might ooze offensive stereotypes.

According to the New York Times, Disney found both Tinker Bell and Captain Hook from the 1953 movie Peter Pan as “problematic” and labeled them as such in a message to senior leaders.

That’s right: Tinker Bell and Captain Hook are now offensive.

Disney says it marked Tinker Bell for caution because she is “body-conscious” and jealous of Peter Pan’s attention.