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Crybaby Adam Kinzinger would “love” to run against Trump in 2024

Crybaby Adam Kinzinger, who was once the darling of Faux News took time out of his Twitter stalking of Tucker Carlson to whine about the 2024 elections. Just two years away, it’s widely assumed that Trump will run for president again on the GOP side. If he does, crybaby RINO Adam Kinzinger, who will be working for either MSNBC or CNN at the time would ‘love’ to run against Trump in 2024. If it comes down to it, I’d love to see Kinzinger get his ass kicked too in 2024.

Also, pay close attention to this scumbag Kinzinger. If Trump is the GOP nominee in 2024, you can bet your bottom dollar that Kinzinger will pull an Evan McMuffin or John Anderson and run as a third party to try and syphon votes away from Trump to help the Democrat.

Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL), one of the staunchest anti-MAGA voices in Congress, said he would “love” to run against former President Donald Trump for the White House in 2024.

“I would love it. I really would,” Kinzinger stated in a recent interview with the leftwing Huffington Post. “Even if he crushed me, like in a primary, to be able to stand up and call out the garbage is just a necessary thing, regardless of who it is. … I think it’d be fun.”

On the topic of when Kinzinger could announce a long shot campaign, the Illinois Republican said, “I’ll make a decision when we get there, if there’s a need and a desire. It’s truly not anything I’m planning right now, but I’m not going to rule it out.”

Though Trump is expected to once again run for the presidency, he has not yet officially confirmed his plans.