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Jen Psaki breaks down crying over Florida anti-groomer bill

Jen Psaki got really emotionally while discussing the Florida parental right’s bill that the communist left and media loves to call “don’t say gay bill”. Psaki got so emotional while defending groomers, she broke out in tears, crying during an interview with Jessica Yellin during her “News Not Noise” podcast.

These communist Democrats are really emotional over groomer’s “rights”. This has nothing to do with bullying, being gay, trans or even heterosexual. The left always jumps the shark on issues like this. It’s already been proven that Disney and teachers have pissed off a wide majority of the American population with their grooming. WTF is it with the left and groomers, unless of course they have a soft spot for crap like this.

Jen Psaki is mentally unstable if she’s’ going to cry over groomer’s rights. She will fit right in with NBC.