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Woke NFL scouting Colin Kaepernick

Hey, remember that has-been Colin Kaepernick who kneeled before the national anthem and started a trend in the NFL? Years after not being able to cut it in of all places, San Francisco, he is trying to make a comeback and being scouted by several NFL teams. Kaepernick was invited to Michigan by coach Jim Harbaugh and threw for teams this weekend. Only in America can a no talent, racist, America hating bum even get a look to be signed for millions of dollars for throwing the pigskin.

Scouts are falling over themselves to fawn over the hack too,

Quarterback Colin Kaepernick threw to undrafted receivers at halftime of Michigan’s spring game for NFL scouts on Saturday.

Kaepernick was invited to Michigan by coach Jim Harbaugh, who mentored Kaepernick with the San Francisco 49ers, and was an honorary captain for the spring game. He was joined by producer Spike Lee, who is filming a documentary on Kaepernick as he navigates a job hunt for another spot on an NFL roster.

Kaepernick wasn’t made available to media, but Jeanna Trotman, a reporter for local news affiliate WXYZ, spoke with him on the field about his decision to throw on Saturday.

“We still get out there and sling it,” Kaepernick told Trotman. “Really, getting out here for the exhibition was to show that I can still do it. It’s one of the questions my agent keeps getting, so we want to make sure we can come out, show everyone I can still play, still throw it.”

Doesn’t really matter much to do. I’ve been done with the NFL for years now. But if some loser team does sign him, I can’t wait to see the backlash.