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Even the WNBA doesn’t care about Brittney Griner – players past and present told to keep quiet on Russian arrest

The only March Madness in Russia is the ongoing war with Ukraine. Even the little watch WNBA, which is infested with leftists doesn’t seem to care about Brittney Griner. So much so that the league told players, past and present to keep their mouths shut about the Brittney Griner arrest in Russia for drugs. Brittney Griner is the WNBA player from Phoenix who demanded the league stop playing the national anthem before games in 2020.

Hey Brittney, nobody likes you. Nobody wants you. The Russians could keep you for all we care.

Basketball legend Lisa Leslie has Brittney Griner’s detention in Russia on her mind.

Griner was arrested in February at a Moscow airport for allegedly possessing vape cartridges containing oils derived from cannabis. The Phoenix Mercury star was detained and has been held ever since while first reports of her arrest didn’t come to light until earlier month – days after Russia began its invasion of Ukraine.

Leslie, who played for the Los Angeles Sparks from 1997 to 2009, appeared on the “I AM ATHLETE” podcast sand told sports stars Brandon Marshall, Chad OchoCino and Chantel Tremitiere that WNBA players were told not to make a “big fuss” about the arrest.

“So, what we were told, and again, this is all sort of passed along through hearsay. What we were told was to not make a big fuss about it so they could not use her as a pawn, so to speak, in this situation in the war. So to make it like it’s not that important, or don’t make it like ‘Free Brittney’ and we start this campaign and it becomes something they can use,” Leslie said.