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Trump crushes Mike Pence: “Mike thought he was going to be a human conveyor belt”, McConnell an old crow

I think it’s safe to assume that when and if Trump runs in 2024, Mike Pence will NOT be his running mate. Instead, Pence will likely be all over the media, claiming “orange man bad” like the other neocons who Trump exposed during his presidency. It’s also safe to assume that the old crow, China Mitch McConnell wouldn’t be happy either.

Former President Trump appeared to suggest in an interview that former Vice President Mike Pence would not be his 2024 running mate if Trump opts to seek a second term again.

In an interview with the Washington Examiner on Tuesday, Trump said of Pence running alongside him: “I don’t think the people would accept it.”

Trump said that he was “disappointed in Mike” after Pence refused to contest the 2020 presidential election results during Congress’s official count of Electoral College votes, which Trump pressured him to do.

“Mike thought he was going to be a human conveyor belt, that no matter how fraudulent the votes, you have to send them up to the Old Crow,” the former president told the Examiner, using a nickname he has for Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.)