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ABC sneered at Americans who are unhappy with high gas prices

How dare you peasants to government complain about gas prices and inflation! Who do you think you are? The actual bosses of these politicians that you elect? ABC, and communist Democrat Heidi Heitkamp doesn’t like you whining about exploding gas prices under Biden. Your problem is, you American peasants just got used to $2 gallon gas.

She then proceeded to blame former President Trump for inflation, claiming “it was the Trump administration that overspent and drove up inflation so if inflation in prices and housing and in gas is because of deficit spending that’s Trump’s fault.”

Karl then showed a chart of how much gas prices have soared over the past month: “but look at this chart on gas prices just since February. If you look — it is a shocking increase.” Heitkamp interrupted Karl mid-sentence to claim gas prices have been “artificially low” and the prices consumers are paying now aren’t the highest price Americans have had to pay:

In fact, George Herbert Walker Bush under the George Bush administration we had gas prices, inflation adjusted over $5. But we’re shocked because we got used to $2 gas. And that’s the problem!