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Biden Says He’d Fight World War III for NATO But Not for Ukraine

Dumb Joe Biden once again made odd, puzzling statements, this time about World War III. He’s willing to defend NATO in World War III (if it were to start), but not Ukraine. Hey guess what, I don’t want a world war and if the Europeans instigate one, they should be on their own.

Imagine, Russia and China vs the United States and Europe.

With our military being trained to be woke, rather than battle ready, we wouldn’t stand a chance..

President Joe Biden said he would defend NATO to the point of World War III, but that he won’t risk touching off a wider conflict by fighting Russia in Ukraine and ruled out establishing a no-fly zone.

“As we provide this support to Ukraine, we’re going to continue to stand together with our allies in Europe and send an unmistakable message: that we will defend every inch of NATO territory,” Biden said in Philadelphia on Friday during a speech to Democrats. “If they move once — granted, if we respond, it is World War III, but we have a sacred obligation on NATO territory.”

But he again said the U.S. won’t fight Russia in Ukraine, including by establishing a no-fly zone. “We will not fight the third World War in Ukraine,” he said.

He rejected calls for the U.S. to consider an effort to close the skies over Ukraine, which American military commanders have said would require shooting down Russian planes in the airspace.