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Expert claims US headed for recession

Is the US headed for a recession? As inflation hits yet another 40 year high, stock markets crash and oil spikes, one expert at least is claiming we are headed for a bad recession. In fact, Campbell Faulkner, senior vice president at OTC Global Holdings believes we are already in the beginning of a recession.

Faulkner said he believes the U.S. is already seeing the beginnings of a recession.

“I’ll be blunt,” he said. “I’m basically a data scientist, and I work in commodities, and I think we’re already in one. I just think because of the lags in the data, we’re not going to see it yet.

“It really seemed around December, I started noticing prices going up. Yes, I knew that they were coming up, I knew CPI and everything else was moving. The problem is, you always know you’re in a recession well after it’s already begun. That’s going to be the difficult part is to tell when it has happened.

“I think we unfortunately slipped into one, and hopefully it’s not going to be a particularly egregious one. We have had strong job growth, but that too is going to be lagged as well because a lot of firms are going to have to start rationalizing their input costs and everything else.”