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Putin puts Russia nukes on high alert

Putin is putting Russia’s nukes on high alert If Vladimir Putin is as crazy as the media is claiming he is these days, then this is a very scary move. This means the whole world now has to pay attention to Russia and their nuclear weapons. If Putin has lost his shit as all the claims out there claim, then he could actually use them on Ukraine, or even the US. We could even be looking at a second Cuban Missile Crisis if things really go off the deep end. The problem is, the media isn’t trustworthy in any of their reporting, so who knows that’s really true.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden continues his vacation in Delaware.

President Vladimir Putin’s nuclear forces alert represents a “totally unacceptable” escalation of the invasion of Ukraine, the United States said Sunday as it accused the Russian leader of fabricating threats to justify “further aggression.”
“This is a pattern that we’ve seen from President Putin through the course of this conflict, which is manufacturing threats that don’t exist in order to justify further aggression,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki said on ABC when asked about the announcement from Moscow.

At the Pentagon, a senior official called the move “escalatory” but would not say if US nuclear forces had changed their stance in response.

Speaking to journalists, the defense official said the US had no reason to doubt that Putin’s announcement was genuine, but had no information yet as to how it would be implemented.

“We believe that this is not only an unnecessary step for him to take, but an escalatory one,” the official said, on grounds of anonymity.