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LAME! CPAC invites crazy socialist Demo Tulsi Gabbard to speak

Some conservatives continue to fall all over themselves for crazy socialist Tulsi Gabbard, who will be a speaker at this weekend’s CPAC convention in Florida. I don’t know what the big draw to this nutball is. Does everyone remember that she campaigned for Bernie Sanders during the 2020 election cycle? Did they also forget she’s a crazy communist Democrat? Just because she says a few truthful things about her own party doesn’t mean she should constantly be featur4ed on Fox News, or given speaking gigs at conservative conventions.

Former Democratic presidential candidate and former Hawaii Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard is scheduled to speak at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) this week, the group’s chair confirmed on Monday.

Gabbard will address the conference’s Ronald Reagan Dinner on Saturday night, slated alongside conservative leader Glenn Beck who will provide the keynote remarks during the event.

What’s next? They going to try and get Fake Jake Tapper to speak too? One year they did invite Don Lemon, but he rejected it.