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Capitol fence returning for Biden SOTU because commies are scared of truckers

There have been reports about a US Trucker forming and arriving in Washington D.C. by the time Biden will read the teleprompter for his “State of the Union” address on March 1st. So communist Democrats got scared, and Nancy Pelosi is bring back the fencing around the Capitol just in case the truckers actually do head to DC by March 1st.

What the hell are these communists afraid of? Horn honking? Freedom Convoy protesters don’t ram their vehicles into crowds like left wing terrorists do (as we saw on Christmas in Wisconsin and recently in Canada).

Fencing will be reinstalled around the Capitol next week for President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address as officials fear a trucker “Freedom Convoy” may make its way to Washington, D.C.

“Freedom Convoy” truckers in Canada have been protesting for weeks against the country’s COVID-19 vaccine mandates for truckers and the Ambassador Bridge border crossing between Ontario and Michigan has been blocked by protestors.

Canadian authorities have begun arresting protestors in the country’s capital city of Ottawa. Police said nearly 200 demonstrators were arrested as of Sunday morning.

U.S. Capitol Police said they are aware of a trucker convoy arriving in D.C. around the time of the president’s State of the Union address on March 1 and will “facilitate lawful First Amendment activity.”

“The USCP is closely coordinating with local, state and federal law enforcement agencies, including DC’s Metropolitan Police Department, the United States Park Police, the United States Secret Service and other allied agencies to include the DC National Guard,” USCP said in a statement Friday.

Police explained in its statement that plans were being made for the State of the Union and the possibility of putting up fencing around the Capitol was under consideration.