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Peter Sloly – Ottawa police chief resigns after whining about #Freedomconvoy protesters

Peter Sloly, the now former police chief in Ottawa has resigned, after announcing he will resign after whing about those big, bad mean truckers in the Freedom Convoy still going on in Ottawa (and all over Canada).

Peter Sloly has resigned as Ottawa’s police chief and will publicly announce his resignation after the Ottawa Police Services Board meeting today, sources tell CBC News.

F You Dictator Trudeau!

The former chief has been criticized over his handling of a truck convoy protest that has caused major disruptions to Ottawa’s downtown core.

Sloly’s resignation comes as sources tell CBC News he’s been accused of bullying and volatile behaviour that has damaged relations with senior leadership and compromised the force’s ability to cope with the truck protest.

Multiple sources have told CBC News that Sloly allegedly belittled and berated senior Ottawa Police Service officers in front of their colleagues, and has failed to put forward a solid operations plan to end the crisis.

Sources say he allegedly has come into conflict with members of the OPP and RCMP tasked with assisting the city’s law enforcement efforts during the crisis.