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Supporters of #FreeomdomConvoy2022 to gather at Peace Bridge in New York this weekend

The FreedomConvoy is spreading. It’s even coming to New York this weekend. Supporters of the Freedom Convoy are expected to gather at the Peace Bridge in New York this weekend as more and more people become aware of and supportive of the Canadian truckers.

Local and out-of town demonstrators are set to converge this weekend in New York near the Peace Bridge connecting Buffalo to Ontario, Canada, to show support for Canadian truckers protesting their country’s coronavirus restrictions.

“This is bigger than masks or vaccinations,” Penny Fay, who is organizing a “Convoy to Save America” departing from Nashville early Saturday, told the Buffalo News. “It’s about trying to control you and taking away your freedoms.”

The newspaper reports that rallies are scheduled for both Saturday and Sunday at Pat Sole Park near the Peace Bridge, but organizers say they have no intentions to disrupt or block any traffic flow on the crossing.

A separate group is set to leave New York City for Buffalo on Friday to join a “slow roll” of vehicles scheduled for Saturday in Buffalo, the newspaper also reported.

“We’re tired of the government dictating our lives,” Marcella Picone, a local activist, told the Buffalo News. “So we will have these groups jumping on the truckers’ cause and to say we think we can manage our own affairs.”