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Figures. Fox News Geraldo Rivera defends “safe smoking kits” because “junkies” lives matter

As usual Sean Hannity let the left wing idiot Geraldo Rivera on his show. This time it was so Biden could shill for Biden giving away tax payer funded “safe smoking kids” to drug addicts.

Hannity tried to shield Rivera as Don Bongino completely destroyed the arrogant, wannabe journalist defending Biden keeping people addicted to illegal drugs. Why? Because according to Geraldo Rivera, “junky lives matter” or something. What that arrogant blowhard doesn’t understand is that if these drug addicts continue using illegal drugs like crack or heroien, they will die from it anyway.

So called “safe smoking kits” aren’t going to safe these people from themselves. This is basically aiding and abiding drug addicts to hasten their end of life.

Hey Hannity! Stop defending and shielding Geraldo! We are sick of it!