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Rachel Maddow on hiatus is dropping MSNBC ratings to almost CNN levels

Rachel Maddow, basically the show on MSNBC that had any kind of ratings is officially on hiatus and MSNBC’s ratings are in freefall, almost approach mid 2021 CNN levels. Yea, communist state run media isn’t doing very well these days. But you know, mean tweets and mean truckers are evil or something.

Rachel Maddow’s absence from MSNBC’s primetime lineup is costing the channel viewers.

The network’s marquee 9 p.m. program lost nearly 30% of its audience in the key 25-54 demographic on Monday, the second day of Maddow’s weeks-long hiatus, according to the latest Nielsen figures.

The episode garnered an average of 201,000 viewers in the key demo — down 29% compared to the Monday of the prior week, when Maddow was still hosting.

Its total viewership for the evening was 1,636,000 — far below the 2.78 million who tuned in to Fox News’ “Hannity” during that same hour, according to Nielsen.

But MSNBC can take solace in the fact that it is pummeling rival CNN, which was rocked by last week’s shocking resignation of top executive Jeff Zucker.

Monday’s Maddow-less hour still beat Anderson Cooper in the coveted 25-54 demo, as “AC360,” which was expanded to a two-hour broadcast to fill the void left by Chris Cuomo, drew just 176,000 viewers.

Overall, MSNBC’s 9 p.m. offering on Monday drew more than twice the number of viewers as CNN’s Cooper, which managed just 615,000 people in its audience.